I know it’s that time of year to buy gifts, TV’s, Airpods and other random things but if gifts or tv’s are not your main focus this cyber weekend, now is the perfect time to restock your kitchen for the upcoming winter season. Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday are here and while I too was (early) browsing to see where to swipe my card, it dawned on me to check my favorite food and grocery websites instead.

By doing a quick inventory of your kitchen, you can utilize the cyber weekend savings and get a head start on your winter kitchen essentials. And while we do not know what we are going to experience as we head into both winter and a new presidency (unfortunately), one thing we do know is that the cost of food has increased dramatically and the prices don’t seem to be dropping any time soon.

 READ: How To Grocery Shop In Times Of Uncertainty 

 Here Are 3 Ways To Use Cyber Weekend To Stock Your Kitchen Ahead of The Winter Season:

Ditch The Electronics & Buy Some Groceries!  - although Thanksgiving was yesterday, food will continue to be on sale for a few more days. Even if you still have dry goods / baking items / canned goods, etc left over, head back to the store and get anything that you know you will need to cook over the next few weeks. This is also a good time to stock up on paper plates/ cups / ziplock bags / aluminum pans, quart containers for freezing food, etc. Anything that you will need to help you eat fabulously in the winter season should be on your radar. 


Buy Bundles or Refills On Normally Pricey Groceries - a lot of specialty food items will be on sale this weekend, bundled in a box with multiple other items or refills may be on sale to fit or match the original items.

Think buying the Graza extra virgin olive oil refill or the Momofuku pantry bundle box. Individually, these items in the store can be costly and eat at your budget but buying a bundle or picking up a refill on sale, even if you still have some at home shaves some $$$ off your total and it lasts. I recommend doing this for typically high cost groceries; i.e - oils, spice blends, salts, coffee, etc.


Get a Subscription or Membership That Can Meet ALL of Your Household Needs - companies will be slashing prices on their memberships and/or subscriptions for the first year if you are a new member this weekend. If you follow me on Instagram you know I talk about how much I love my Target 360 Circle membership which includes unlimited same day deliveries and full access to SHIPT within your location. I purchased this membership on sale last cyber week and I utilize it literally all the time. These memberships include both household items AND grocery stores so it benefits you in multiple ways and the best thing about it? You can cancel if it's not the best fit for your home. 


I hope that we can get a head start on eating fabulously this winter season. Let me know if these 3 tips were helpful to you by leaving me a comment below !




4 Tried & True Tips For Having A Fabulous Restaurant Week Experience