Money is a big topic these days. Mostly because everyone is trying to find ways to have and make more of it.


I’m one of those people that A- love to spend money and B- never carry cash. If I can’t use my everyday debit card or my Apple Pay and I need physical cash, I have to find an ATM.

At the beginning of this year out of no where I told myself I would save the physical cash I had left every time I broke a bill. Aside from my money apps on my iPhone that automatically save for me, I didn't really have a set plan for saving these bills. Simply put, I just wanted to see how far I could go and how much I would end up with. I had a spare box at home and I started putting the $1's, $5's $10's and even some $20's that I had left through out my week in there.

Fast forward to last month and I had accumulated over $200 in my box. I put some loose change in there too but I made a conscious efforts to only put bills. I posted about this over on my Instastory and was shocked at the number of people that messaged me curious about it.

There are no set “rules” to the money box and you can add money to it at your leisure. It’s really just a no pressure thing. If you have change from a bill add it and if you don’t, that’s ok too.

The Money Box

My 4 Tips To Creating Your Own Money Box

Use A Box You Can’t See In - Out of site, out of mind! Did you ever have a piggybank as a kid and couldn’t see into it unless you broke it completely? If I could see how much cash was in this box I don’t think I would have accumulated over $200. Not seeing the money is a great way to not dip into it. Try to find a closed box with a lid. When you have cash just drop it in and over time when you go in to count it, you will be amazed at all the bills in there.

Once You Start, You Will Become Conscious Of Getting Change - Once I started, I became very conscious of not rushing to spend my change but rushing home to put it in my money box. I love the natural momentum you build when you start to see the bills in this box get higher and higher.

There’s No Pressure To Add To It - I didn’t start this to save for anything in particular. I just started doing it. We are so pressured to save! save! save! that this seems like a less stressful way to accumulate some extra cash.

If You Dip Into It, Put It Back - I will admit that I dip into my money box here and there. I am however super aware of putting the money back that I took out. If you take and don’t add back that defeats the purpose of the money box and you will never see your money grow!

Will you be trying the money box? Let me know in the comments!


