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Persimmons are in season and I'm currently buying all of them. Over on my Instastory I mentioned that persimmon's are in season and I got a lot of replies from people saying they enjoyed them. If you have never had a persimmon it's a fruit native to Japan, Chona and Korea. I like to think of persimmons as if an apple and a peach had a baby. The skin is a little tough (but edible) and can be eaten in a various number of ways. Theres no seeds in the middle so you can slice right through it and eat it raw or cooked.

When fall weather starts you will find persimmons at your local stores, especially here on the east coast and I love making recipes with them because they can stand up to a lot of flavors and techniques. Here, you can make a large batch and keep it in an air tight container for a quick breakfast on the go. Use your favorite yogurt and granola for a more filling breakfast.

Simmered Persimmons w. Yogurt & Granola

your favorite plain or vanilla yogurt

your favorite granola (optional)

2 persimmons

4T. water

3T. sugar

chilli powder




Remove any stickers and wash persimmons. On a flat surface slice the tops off of the persimmon's and then cut in large chunks. Place cut persimmons in a small sauce pot with the remaining ingredients and simmer over a low flame until the persimmons are soft and have produced some liquid. When soft, smash persimmons with a potato masher or fork and simmer for 5 more minutes. Let simmered persimmons cool and when cooled, serve with yogurt and granola. Sprinkle a little chili powder on top of simmered persimmon and enjoy!