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I am on social media just like everyone else and with that comes a plethora of products that influencers are throwing our way. I'm always on the hunt to explore new things, especially things that can help make my every day life easier. One of my 2018 goals is to keep an eye on my finances and improve on all aspects of handling my money, so I've been on the look out for ways to spend, shop and save. As I scroll down my Instagram timeline, some popular influencers introduced their followers to DOSH, a instant cash back app for iPhone and Android users recently. 

I am not a major app user, so downloading another app on my phone was not something I was looking forward to. I also wasn't looking forward to linking my everyday debit card to an app, so I was a little apprehensive about DOSH. After days of reading and re-reading DOSH's website, I decided to give the app a try.  DOSH, gives you instant cash back on your everyday purchases in store and online. There are plenty of stores, shops and services (hello manicures)  on DOSH and it even uses your current location to help you find more places to save. Once you download the app, you link the card(s) that you use the most, and start saving! DOSH gives you $5 for every card you link and you can see what percentage of cash you will get back with every purchase. 

I (surprisingly) wasn't using my debit card as much in the past few weeks, but I recently went out to dinner with my best friend, and the place we dined at was listed on DOSH. Her and I were both curious if the app really worked, so when it was time to pay our dinner bill we both jumped at the chance to use our linked card. Instantly, an alert appeared on our phone and our 7% cash back appeared in our DOSH account. Using my everyday credit card is a no brainer, so I can see myself becoming more conscious of using the DOSH app. If you have been seeing this app around and are wondering if you should try it, I think you should. 

Click HERE using my invite link, download and open the app on your phone, connect a card and start saving fabulously and let me know if you have used the DOSH app in the comments below.